If you have access to accounts hosting both source and destination bucket (it can be the same account), we recommend using replication setup
command described below. Otherwise use manual setup.
Automatic setup
Setup replication
$ b2 replication setup --destination-profile myprofile2 my-bucket my-bucket2
You can optionally choose source rule priority and source rule name. See replication setup command.
replication setup
will reuse or provision a source key with no prefix and full reading capabilities and a destination key with no prefix and full writing capabilities
Manual setup
Setup source key
$ b2 key create my-bucket-rplsrc readFiles,readFileLegalHolds,readFileRetentions
0014ab1234567890000000123 K001ZA12345678901234567890ABCDE
Setup source replication
$ b2 bucket update --replication '{
"asReplicationSource": {
"replicationRules": [
"destinationBucketId": "85644d98debc657d880b0e1e",
"fileNamePrefix": "files-to-share/",
"includeExistingFiles": false,
"isEnabled": true,
"priority": 128,
"replicationRuleName": "my-replication-rule-name"
"sourceApplicationKeyId": "0014ab1234567890000000123"
}' my-bucket
Setup destination key
$ b2 key create --profile myprofile2 my-bucket-rpldst writeFiles,writeFileLegalHolds,writeFileRetentions,deleteFiles
0024ab2345678900000000234 K001YYABCDE12345678901234567890
Setup destination replication
$ b2 bucket update --profile myprofile2 --replication '{
"asReplicationDestination": {
"sourceToDestinationKeyMapping": {
"0014ab1234567890000000123": "0024ab2345678900000000234"
}' my-bucket